TATTOO ICON designed for CRUSH, on of the competitors on the 'Gladiators' television program - one of many icons submitted for inclusion in the 'Gladiators' styleguide.
THEM, a collaged piece designed for a friend's friend who is still in design school ... he asked me to create a visual describing the word them - it was included in a flash composite for this student project -will post the site when I can remember it ...
SEASONAL promotion for DOT .... each designer created a clock face for a generic clock - mine was handdrawn, collage, marker, found images. I added a quote by Andy Warhol in the center of the clock, quote is about time as well!
STYLE SKETCHES I was asked to submit by then Axiom Design for use in their styleguide for the movie 'Nacho Libre' ... can't beat getting to sketch Mexican wrestlers!
STYLE ICON created during my stint at Dot .. for consideration by client for inclusion in addendum to current styleguide ... an updated look at the Tinman's dilemma ..
TWO proposed bird inspired prints - submitted to my print company, but I don't think they ever saw the light of day (or dark of night) - created using paper cutouts, iron transfer, acrylic paint.
ICON created for the licensing project of super space cadet BUZZ ALDRIN ... this image really lended itself to a 50's space novelty icon - created using color copier, photoshop.